Thursday, November 2, 2017

Buddhism is intellectualism or not?

Buddhism is middle way between intellectual self-affliction extreme and intellectual sensual pleasure extreme.
So, buddhism is anti-intellectual self-affliction extreme and anti-intellectual sensual pleasure extreme. But buddhism is the middle way intellectualism.
The object is not to gain anything. Intellectual knowledge can help but little intellect is required. Sometimes it can get in the way.
I can completely say according to tipitaka history that most of ariya in tipitaka are intellect, high experience, high profile, and intelligence, before they enlighten to be ariya. And for someone who has a very low profile, he has to take a very log time to practice himself for enlightenment.
If you learn commentary and abhidhamma, you maybe say "how many millions of required life for tipitaka study and practicing?"
But deplorably, the most people can take just an easy part of tipitaka, so you can feel like you asked above.
However, whatever you stared from, little intellect or big intellect, must develop to be big intellect for enlightenment, no exception. That is the reason that why the buddhist have to practice. We practice to be intellect enough for an enlightenment.

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