Sunday, January 22, 2017

Cause Of Tale Phobia, Sutta Phobia, Abhidhamma Phobia, Commentary Phobia, Psychic Ability Phobia

(Book, by professor P.A. Payutto (former Invited lecturer of harvard university), that have a better reference more than this article, is avariable in thai: )

First to understand: I never have an experience in psychic ability. I never see ghost before.

We need to know and understand them, that more than a thousand years, the westerns are injure by credulity, because of domination by their religious, that used tale as tools to dominated their people minds.

So, nowadays, their culture teaching them to anti everything, that they thinking 'it is the same of my ancient religious', before deep learned.


How do you, buddhist, feel, that if moreover a thousand year, your family is killed/imprison, because of opinions differ? Such as early scientists (Galileo Galilei), gays (2016 Orlando nightclub shooting), etc.

The buddhist, who have a very difference experience through 2500 years, should to look back their, the western, history. It is the reason of the question "Why they have over bias, in tales, very much".

I have been like them before I have deep learned in tipitaka and commentary. Some doctors and scholars in thailand, I even know, have been, too.

But we use our open-minds to learn everything before anti, more than use gossips. So, we choose this way ourselves by our knowledge in science, world history, abhidhamma-pali, commentary-pali, another nikaya history, another nikaya cannon, etc. We are not a hard-kamasukhallikanuyogi like them, so we have a time to do.

We also learn gossips from them, such as Twilight's reference, too. Without any bias, any laugh/angry at every ideas, we still choose the way we have chosen, after learned their gossip. We need to understand their culture, that is very difference from our culture.

Another, nowadays, buddhist cannon's translation around the world still very wrong and still having very confuse context. New language study and new culture study, also very hard, too. The hardest is behavior-changing, such as reader to be memorizer. So many reasons can let them anti tales in sutta.

P.S. The buddha and commentary denied wrong causes/effects-tale in 10 akusalakammapatha (samphappalapa).

Friday, January 20, 2017

The Pali Canon : What A Buddhist Must Know


Thai teachers are not Classical Theravāda

Burma is the only one in the world that still have buddhist ancient learning system (mukkhapāṭha). The strongest buddhism country is Burma. The tipitaka-strictest nikāya is Shwegyin Nikaya of Burma.

What about your thai teacher?

Thailand and srilanka have lost tipitaka learning system in colonization war.

Thailand began to lost our tipitaka learning system about 1855 and after that years (Bowring Treaty).

The king trying to protect thailand by changing every rules of us. They also changed learning system of monk, too. They cancle memorized learning system, then took a writing learning system instead. We also started to lose abhidhamma learning system at this time, too.

Writing learning system is for kamaguna 5. They save memorizing times to consume kamaguna 5.

Arahanta havn't writen. They keep tipitaka in their mind.

Before that time we still having tipitakathara, such as mun bhuritutto (not too much memorized). But after the changing, we never have tipitakathara anymore. The elder tipitakathara died. Never have any newer to be instead of them.

So, thailand loose our tipitaka learning system so long time ago in colonization war.

Wrong translation of self, atta, being, satta


Linguistics Reason: Ananda Memorized Sutta For The Other, But Sariputta Memorized Abhidhamma That Buddha Taught Him Directly

Abhidhamma is sutta, that sariputta learned from buddha. Sariputta and buddha taught abhidhamma to whole of 500 arahanta, then 500 arahanta bless it in 1st sangayana. So abhidhamma have difference linguistics from sutta, of ananda. Ananda memorized whole sutta, that buddha have taught to another. But sariputta memorized the reasons (relation) of everything, that buddha taught him directly. Age of buddhist cannon linguistics having the same time being. Buddha taught someone, then he repeat sutta to ananda. Buddha repeat sutta with description, that ananda ask him, commentary. Each sutta description have many causes and effects, so it make commentary very long, hard to memorize, long time to learn, and confusion.  Summary of causes and effects is abhidhamma, that buddha taught to sariputta,  who buddha declared as "the best dhamma teacher (like him)", to let him know the whole causes and effects that possible have. 

Why buddha taught sariputta? Because sariputta ask him.

So most of abhidhamma is "Q&A" like commentary.

The history of buddhism, that we have learned from the western is not perfect enough. Many words that they overlook. It made them have wrong decisions and view.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Minded Vipassanā = Minded Abhidhamma = Minded Whole Possible Suffering [Diff Of Sīla, Samādhi, Vipassanā]

Minded Sīla = Minded Vinaya = Minded Whole Physical Suffering
Minded Samādhi = Minded Sutta = Minded Whole Mental Suffering
Minded Vipassanā = Minded Abhidhamma = Minded Whole Possible Suffering And The Other


Buddha taught Vinaya to let students stop cause of physical suffering, such as killing, robing, adultery, lying, drunk, etc.

So people who minded Sīla, is people who minded Vinaya.

Buddha taught Sutta, ready-made package of abhidhamma, to let ready-samādhi-students enlighten on their own samādhi. The best teacher. He mined whole cause, of  mental suffering, of the students, then he chose minimum-abhidhamma to taught his students. That's why students, in sutta, are very easy to enlighten.

So people who minded Samādhi, is people who minded Sutta.

Buddha enlighten abhidhamma, a base and a summary of sutta, to generate "teaching" that can let students enlighten like him.

(Ariyasacca 4 is subset of abhidhamma. If buddha enlighten only ariyasacca 4 he will be only pacceka-buddha, not sabbaññū-sambuddha.)

So people who minded Vipassanā, is people who minded Abhidhamma.

[b]I have a long history of tipitaka, that can prove whole of my words by tipitaka's and commentary's reference, in my mind. However, it take a lot of time to author articles and translate it to english. I use a long time to author 1 article in thai, and I use a longeer time to prove it,  but I use a longest time to translate it to pali and english.[/b]

Sunday, January 8, 2017

What are views?

What are views?
Someone's concept about causes and effects (paṭiccasamuppāda & paṭiccasamuppanna).
Lobha view, desiring wrong concept. Bad.
Kusala view, knowing in wrong/right concept, no desiring. Good.
Wisdom view, rightly understanding in right concept. better.

a)Are views latent factor. What are they?
Co-nascence-condition: 8 citta, 21 cetasika, 28 rūpa.
Powerful-dependence-condition:81 citta, 52 cetasika, 28rūpa.
b)Are newly born children have views?
Yes. Before they cry, they think "my happiness never die".
View is not a word to learn. It is a concept of thinking. Everyone can think. Baby also think.

c)How we develop new views? What are they?
Change person's wrong thinking about causes and effects. Think them new in right concept every time. Don't let nivaraṇa born between thinking.

d)Are Arahants got views?
Yes, It's called "sammādiṭṭhi".


e)Can we live without views?
Sometime. But everytime based on view. Crying has no view, but you maybe have a view before cry.
Example: "My mother never die. Die is only a separation. So, she still be my mother,though she died." So, you cry because of separation, when she die. We can see "when people cry they thinking only 'how can I throw it away? How can I kill it?'". But they always stop to cry to think. Diṭṭhi arising, at that time.


f) Are all views bad?
I answered after, above a) question.


g) What is the life like without views?

I answered in the example of your e) question.


h)What is the etymology of Ditthi?
Lobha view in wrong concept, is micchādiṭṭhi.
Lobha view in right concept, is lobha (citta+cetasika) without micchādiṭṭhi.
Wholesome-citta can think a wrong concept, but it not desire.
Wisdom can think about wrong concept, with deciding "it's wrong causes or/and effects".

Base on

Atta, Anatta, Sakkaya-ditthi, Mana

Atta is a type of paññatti (unreal), that can not force anything, but puthujana thinking wrong, by Sakkaya-ditthi, as "Atta is real. Atta have their power to force something. Atta can live forever, never die". Anatta is real. Everything is anatta. Nothing have a real power. Everything can arise because of paccaya (factor).

Sakkaya-ditthi (self view) is cetasika, that thinking wrong "Atta is real. Atta have their power to force something. Atta can live forever, never die". Sakkaya-ditthi must arise together with lobha cetasika (desiring in atta).

Mana (pride/faze) is cetasika, that thinking  "Self/Self-relating khandha are difference from another khandha. Although each khandha are difference from the other khandha, but every khandha  are the same as "anicca, dukkha, anatta". Self/Self-relating is not the only one, that difference or being "anicca, dukkha, anatta".

Mana maybe not wrong as Sakkaya-ditthi. But it also arising with lobha, too.

Every words In Tipitaka Are Buddha's Words, Except Context Or Commentary Identify "It Is Not Buddha's Words"

Cause the most serious title of theravada is "keeping buddha's teaching word by word". 

So, 500 members of 1st saṅgayanā decided to put remarks on tipitaka and commentary to separate  the other's words from buddha words.

The example:  

Why Only Sāriputta Can Memorize Abhidhamma, In His Linguistics, Without Another Blame?

Because, in tipitaka (a.n.), buddha said "only sāriputta know dhammajakka like the buddha" (origin: [187] ‘‘nāhaṃ bhikkhave, aññaṃ ekapuggalampi samanupassāmi yo evaṃ tathāgatena anuttaraṃ dhammacakkaṃ pavattitaṃ sammadeva anuppavatteti yathayidaṃ, bhikkhave, sāriputtoฯ sāriputto, bhikkhave, tathāgatena anuttaraṃ dhammacakkaṃ pavattitaṃ sammadeva anuppavattetī’’tiฯ).

Note: Sāriputta enlighten by buddha, but he fluently in dhamma himself. Because of his powerful wisdom.

In mahāgosiṅgasālasuttaṃ every tipitaka memorizers go to his place to listen him. His words, such as "sahajātapaccaya", also have in parivāra of upāli, too. 

So only his book/pitaka have a difference linguistics from another sutta.

Groups Of Tipitaka Momorizer In 1st Saṅgayanā

After 24-06-2017 I may update this topic in this link.

Layers of pali literalness already being in buddha-living-period.

There are many pali literalness in buddha's time, such as buddha's literalness, sāriputta's literalness, mahākaccāna's literalness, upāli's literalness, etc. Because every mahāsāvaka have there own students.

But the most influential literalness are buddha's literalness and sāriputta's literalness.

4 nikaya are buddha's literalness, most of the others cannon are sāriputta's literalness, because he is the one who buddha said "sāriputta is the best teacher who can teach like me". So everyone always go to meet sāriputta to listen his teaching, in his literalness. But if someone need buddha's literalness, they will go to meet buddha or ānanda, who is the best in sutta memorizing.

So, abhidhamma is difference from sutta, because commentary said "abhidhamma is memorized by sāriputta". And the other buddha's sāvaka book also have literalness look like sāriputta's literalness because everyone in buddha-living-period often go to learn dhamma with sāriputta (see:mahāgosiṅgasālasuttaṃ).

7 Vinaya-pitaka, is  memorized by  Upāli and his students. He also author some path of parivāra because buddha said in tipitaka (a.n.) "Upāli is the best vinaya-memorizer" (vinayadharānaṃ yadidaṃ upāliฯ).

Suttanta-pitaka is memorized by Ānanda. But in 1st saṅgayanā, 500 arahanta decide to separate whole sutta to 4 nikya.Then they gave each nikya to a group of 4 etadagga and his student to especially memorize it.

Who are the members, of group of 4 etadagga?  Ānanda and his student (tn), Sāriputta and his student (mn), Kassapa and his students (sn), Anuruddha and his students (an). (Another have learned dhamma, too, but buddha said "ānanda is the best", so everyone need him in 1st saṅgayanā).

Abhidhamma-pitaka, paṭisambhidāmagga, niddesa, buddhavaṃsa, cariyā-pitaka, except kathāvatthu of moggalliputta, is learned by Sāriputta, But then they are memorized by every arahanta, because everyone in buddha-living-time often go to listen Sāriputta (see:mahāgosiṅgasālasuttaṃ).


Buddha Teach Sutta To Target, Commentary Is Buddha's Sutta-Describtion To Non Target

The example:
Buddha taught dīghanakha-sutta to dīghanakhaparibajaka.

When buddha repeat dīghanakha-sutta to ānanda, and there maybe have something, that  ānanda  don't understand. Then he will ask someone such as buddha, sāriputta, etc. Because people, who are not in the same situation,  can not know everything about teaching-situation, such as student's current mind, student' behave, etc.

The answers of the asking, is commentary. 

(Notice: Most of sāriputta's books used linguistics as "question and answer").

So, when commentary describe "paripucchā (asking)" word from tipitaka (uddesa), they always describe as "atthakathā (commentary)".

That's why commentary said "commentary already bless in 1st saṅgayanā".

This is a simple thing, that whole tipitaka memorizer already known, because the history already became from the words in tipitaka. They don't need any explain, because the answer already on their, tipitaka memorizer, mouth. But reader always overlook the important words.

I have more information than I wrote. But it take a time to improve and to author them.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Anyone Attention In A Nibbāna : Have You Even Known 5 Nibbāna/2 Nibbāna Using In Tipitaka?

See 5 Nibbāna:
See 2 Nibbāna:
saupādisesanibbānadhātu = (3) overcoming by destruction (samuccheda-pahāna), (4) overcoming by tranquillization (paṭipassaddhi-pahāna).
anupādisesanibbānadhātu = (5) overcoming by escape (nissaraṇa-pahāna).

Another, (1) and (2), using as tadaṅga-pahāna in tadaṅganibbāna-sutta.

Original Source: Summary of Nibbāna from Tipitaka, by Commentary.